Stew Cutler Insignia

Track Listing
1. Whisper 7:36
2. QT 2:34
3. Lovely Mary 5:29
4. Left Behind 6:50
5. East River Delta 4:13
6. Saudades on 8th Avenue 4:46
7. Coles Mountain 4:35
8. Elizabeth 8:13
9. Left Alone 4:58
10. Insignia 13:58
Total Time: 1:03:00

Stew Cutler - guitar, slide guitar
Garry Bruer - drums, percussion
Booker King - bass

All tracks by Stew Cutler, Yelacot Music BMI, except Insignia by Cutler / Bruer / King Yelacot Music BMI, and Left Alone, writer unknown.

Recorded at Union Church, Hinsdale, IL., 29th and 30th January 2001

Recording: Ken Christianson of Pro Musica, Chicago

All music was played live with no editing
Booker King uses EBS amplifiers and pedals, mtd strings, grendel and beast basses


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